
114 Game Reviews

14 w/ Responses


I loved the first one and this one just improves upon it drastically by utilizing the player created maps. You have taken the creativity of your players and given it back to us in what I would call a sequel and that, in my opinion, is the key to a great game. User-created content is becoming a part of the current generation all of these levels were fun, challenging and frustrating.

I can't say much about that graphics or gameplay because nothing has changed in that department since the first one. I hope that the next one has even more user content in it but I also hope you improve upon the graphics, the mechanics or the different kinds of building materials and objects. I'm not saying it needs to be changed because it is already great, I am just saying maybe you should add to it.

My only problem with it right now is that I can't share my maps, it keeps telling me to connect another time. I'm sure if you were going to fix it, you would do it in the near future. Overall, a great sequel or "expansion" to the original but I would like to see more units and objects in the next one.

sweet game

If you want to feel like a hero play my level. There is only one spot to click that will allow you to hit everything.

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love this game

Best game of its type and of any game on Newgrounds this year, so far. I keep coming back to it because it is incredibly addicting and it has a very busy screen most of the time so you don't feel any repetition or boredom. I love the quirky characters, the street fighter banana is my favorite.

Overall this game has an excellent art style, sense of humor and a nice layout. The store is easy enough to navigate and I love that you even put in a little easter egg to a simple, yet addicting game. Kudos

It was fun while it lasted

I liked the game and the physics of it but many of the levels were repetitive and too easy. I never had a problem with any of the levels and that's why I think the game is too short. I hope in the sequel you add many more options for your bridge and make the levels a little more challenging.

PicasoGames responds:

"normal" mode is more challenging than "easy". Please, try it.


the game is fun and addicting. I like how it is only 10 levels and you add more enemies at an appropriate rate. It isn't repetitive because of those two factors and I disagree with everyone else, you have more than enough cash throughout the game. The survival mode was quite fun, I got to wave 500 and then died. I am a little concerned because the medals I earned haven't appeared yet. I hope they aren't glitched.


For a person of a good reflexes this is definitely a great game and those without... well I guess you're screwed. Cool animations and dismemberment make this a winner in my book. Now with medals too! The music at the menu kinda sounds like the menu music of an old game called, SHOGO.

can't play it

I remember playing this before and not reviewing it and it was pretty fun but now I can't play it because creating a new account or using my existing one doesn't work. I always get that little box that says "undefined" wtf?

Best defence game ever

If it was just the song I would give this a ten but you include an awesome defence game too! The idea of traps is amazing and incredibly fun! When I played this game I immediately thought of swiss family robinson. I loved that movie as a kid. I managed to beat the game on hard mode with 16 lives left and I had fun the whole time. I love the combo bonuses too, they make the game THAT much better. Many modes to choose from, especially when you play it on armor games. BEST-DEFENCE-GAME-EVER-PERIOD!

oh god no!

You have ressurected E.T. and it is as bad as ever. I don't understand what you are supposed to do as there are only 5 screens and some wierd orange items to pick up. I assume they are coins but with Atari you can never tell. You did a great job at re-creating that damn pit you fall into over and over if you touch anything. That really pissed me off so great job there. To spice up the game you added the pickle man who, "Ated your head!" Nice touch. All in all this is a great game because it reminds us all of a simpler time of gameing. Those little bastards who weren't around to play E.T. can experence it now.


All the music you used fit the game perfectly and it was bouncy so I ended up jumping all the time, even when I didn't have to. I really don't find it challenging at all really. That doesn't mean I didn't have a great time playing it though. I beat in one playthrough and I only died on the first part because I didn't time my jumps properly. I'm guessing the secret achievement is beat it without dying so I think I will get that one when I come back to this game. Good job on a unique and cool game.

I'm just a man and this is a website and that's a hat. I have the creativity to make something great but lack the motivation so I just say fuck it and create shitty flashes. I have been known to rap and I will spend several dollars on a present for you.

Age 34, Male

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Regina, SK

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