
114 Game Reviews

14 w/ Responses


At first I wasn't sure about this game but as soon as I started I couldn't stop. Nothing like sacrificing cute little animals for the greater good- "the greater good!"
... is there an echo in here?... Anyways, I tried out the level editor and it was pretty fun although there are a few bugs that are very annoying like when you attach something or start after having many gates they just disappear. I spent an hour on a level only to have that happen and have to delete it :/
Fantastic keep em comin'.


good voices but some of the spots you had to click were to small and you had to get the pointer on the EXACT spot. Kinda funny but overall a waste of time. 50% for the effort.

pretty stupid

Ya Contra is fun but this isn't. If you're gonna make a game that is like Contra except gay then stop right there and kill yourself. I'm not telling you to die or literally telling you to kill yourself I am just saying that if someone were to do that, that course of action would be a could choice.

Love it

At the beginning with all the pirates in the background it was kind of lagged and I was gonna quit but then it played smoothly the second time around and I liked it. The game reminded me of castle crashers for some reason.... I wonder why.... good job.


Lol I love being a heartless oil tycoon. I LOL'd really hard when turning humans into oil became available. Solving the lack of oil crisis AND overpopulation!!! I had around 6 mill at the end which doesn't seem realistic, an oil company as big as the one I had should have been making 10's of millions of dollars a year. Perhaps hundreds of millions seeing as oil was becoming scarce. At any rate awesome.
P.S. If the world had been destroyed and I was in my bunker hangin' out. I would pop open the champaign and cackle very evil-like until I died.

Someone who gets it!

Hey you have the same kind of in-your-face humor, puns and anic-dotes that I so thoroughly enjoy. It does kind of get... Not boring but somewhat.... uneventful? I just figure you could have put some diversity in there but whatever the humor was there and it kept me entertained. I did rather enjoy the DDR game and the Rick James/Tom Cruise Couch Bang-a-thon. Great game some people just don't understand the jokes so they rely on gameplay and give it a bad rating because they're foolish.

A thought occurs...

When I played this game I was like, oh reward coins for doing stuff and skulls thats cool. Oh you get to dig up gems and stuff that's pretty cool. Then I saw that you could dodge axes! SHOOT SPIDERS! COLLECT HIDDEN TREASURES AND PLAY PUZZLE GAMES AND CONNECT THE FREAKIN DOTS!!! ALL TO COOL ASS JAMES BOND: GOLDENEYE-ESQUE MUSIC! I WAS LIKE HOLY SHIT THIS IS WAY BETTER THAN SCARYSCAPE or whatever you call it (Noooot a fan) But it did rival Icescape which was very well done btw. Anyways I've always enjoyed your neat little adventures with cool stories attatched and this one really got me. Cool puzzle solving and just straight up digging and finding stuff for some rooms which is refreshing because it's less tedious. As well as only two fight sequences so you don't get bored of repetition and you even through in a bit of a story with one little crumpled note. Great job and I hope in the future you go for variety like you did here instead of making us do the same damn thing over and over again while changing the background :/ If you start taking your games really seriously send me a message and I'll test for you if you want. It would help to avoid those idiots who write reviews saying, "I can't beat it, it's too hard, I don't get it >:o" If those people are so stupid they can't read your comments or any kind of walkthrough even though the game is easy to figure out (but still fun to play!) Anyways good luck in the future

Psionic3D responds:

Many thanks for the massive review, glad you liked the game!!


I love building defence and stuff, plus the upgrades are sweet, which makes this game awsome! I maxed everything out and got myself 1000 tower guards, 20 com hub guys, and 100 repairmen.. Oh yeah I am invincible. I dont even need to shoot my gun anymore lol.

good but boring

good game but got really boring after a while, the only reason i played till day 12 is because i wanted to have the minigun with some nice ammo capacity and just unload on them, other than that, this game is pretty dull.

author please read this

Listen, this game has GREAT potential, unfortunately it is lacking in a couple departments such as the objects your are shooting are too small, and the bullets shouldn't arc like that because it makes it eay to difficult to hit them. Secondly, this game needs UPGRADES!!! you should be able to upgrade the turret to be stronger of have different weapons you know? and that's only the beginning of the long list of things you could do to make this game a huge hit. I await turret defence 3 and all the cool changes I hope it comes with. good luck buddy.

I'm just a man and this is a website and that's a hat. I have the creativity to make something great but lack the motivation so I just say fuck it and create shitty flashes. I have been known to rap and I will spend several dollars on a present for you.

Age 34, Male

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Regina, SK

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