
29 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 110 Reviews

You know what really grinds my gears?

When you're at a nice restaurant and little baby-son-of-a-bitch is screaming his head off! Parents need to control their kids!

So how are you doing? I'm just sitting here watching some flashes and I dunno, the whole "Circus from Hell" style you got goin' on is all well and good but, where is the cheesecake? Honestly you call yourself an animator!

TheBoogley responds:

mmm cheesecakes made from baby-son-of-a-bitch fat.


I'm glad I get to rate and review the first of a flash that will probably get huge feedback and get front paged. Great humor and hilarious spin on the children series of mr. men. I look forward to future episodes and I would appreciate a date posted on your page or some kind of message as to when you submit the next one. I am also recommending this for at least a front page if not an award. Great job.

pawlakt responds:

thanks! I didnt expect such an awesome comment on this one! I glad you liked it and I havent started the next one yet, so a release date would not be a very good idea on my part! But if you ever want to check up on my current work in progress, there's a page on my website that you can goto...
http://www.pwlk.net/tyler/current_wor k.php
or... you can visit my blog at


I just checked back to see if a new kingdom hearts was out but instead I found this. I thoroughly enjoy randomness and characters from many popular movies/shows/games made this an awesome flash. I wish you would make another and let me do a voice perhaps? hmm? no? oh alright fine.... I can do sean connery and other stuff...... Aw well I still enjoy all your stuff.

KobraEditing responds:

Haha. I liked it myself, but it didn't do all that well. Luckily, this one did not take forever to make. Thanks!

umm wow

I totally agree with FrazarHuard 100%. I was going to write a review just like that but thanks to him I'm saved a couple paragraphs. One thing I would like to add is that You're whole anti-hero thing was very lame and just annoyed the bejesus outta me. Especially that little, "huh or hmph" thing after you say some stupid sentence about christmas and what-not. It's really anime style and personally I hate anime but you just did it worse. Anyhow great animation but everything else blows big time.

knobbywood responds:

we're all entitled to our opinion, right! Anyway, thanx for watching:)


pretty easy to make the persons user-name appear in the message (Computer Science 20) But not enough people do that or even know how to apparently. Very funny I read some reviews and they are like, omg thankyou or why me I just laughed. Anyhow pretty decent flash I hate emos and that definately was emo. High five

cHunter responds:

haha, thanks man. Yeah, it's an extremely easy trick to do. For awhile I was just calling the viewer gay and other such insults. I loved getting all the angry PMs. :3


just rolls up on Santa and casually stabs him oh man i lol'ed. Nice animation too kudos.

ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:

wizzle wee

oh god no

it was like a Japanese nightmare from hell. I liked your artwork you sure captured the gayness potential metroid has. I'm not saying your art was bad but what you drew creeped me right the fuck out. Some weird gay stuff going on between the robots and then splashing water on a little girl? wtf! is there something you wanna tell us or is this flash your way of letting everyone know you like little girls? At any rate I give you an 8/10 for the hands clapping at the beginning. I don't know why that part is awesome to me, it just is.

flyboy42 responds:

No little girls were in this animation. nor were there robots.
I assume you mean the shape shifting fly_boy42 and wearig-a-powersuit strafehunter

And yeah, it's totally gay to watch an anime with cute girls in it, yeah, strait men never look at cute girls.

I'm not into little girls, I stated that when I said kodomo no jikan was terrible.

me again..

Hey I just caught this in the submissions and I was so excited. The last one I was little harsh but like I said that level sucks. This episode however was excellent. Some people don't like your voice-overs but I think you're doing a fine job. Was that really Kairi's voice or was that also a voice-over because it was really well done. Sounded just like her. The drawing was well done as always I think you really captured the art style especially this time. I only have one problem with this one and it is that when you are talking to sid and its that behind view. He has his hands on his sides and his right hand looks like a gorilla hand, its weird. I JK I don't care I was just trying to find something about this to critique but its too good. I can't wait to have all the episodes one day in the future and watch them all in succession. YOUR AWESOME

KobraEditing responds:

Thank you. I am really glad you like them, it doesn't seem that enough people do.

I'm just a man and this is a website and that's a hat. I have the creativity to make something great but lack the motivation so I just say fuck it and create shitty flashes. I have been known to rap and I will spend several dollars on a present for you.

Age 34, Male

Professional NiceGuy

Regina, SK

Joined on 8/9/06

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