
29 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 110 Reviews


I wouldn't be lying if I said I wish I thought of this first. Personally I don't think it's that annoying, but that's probably because I listen to Nickelback.

OOOoooo, get Troll'd Nickelback!

Yusuf responds:

lol, thanks.

ha ha

I actually thought you were going to show how the scenes would have actually gone in real life but this was good too. This is what I consider to be classic newgrounds. Completely random animation with bad quality art, Jpegs and of course nudity. High five for keeping it real.

Yea, he could have just climbed up the chain, but that would have been really cool, unexpected and a total shock. They realized after saw 3, having surprising and intelligent endings was totally gay and the audience agrees. <--(sarcasm)

hulster responds:

haha well i agree even to your sarcasm, to bad it is really hard to make an real anime about it.
because i have many spoof ideas.

thanks for the review


I've always wondered about the dude with a valve on the back of his head. The reason I love this flash and it works so well is because it makes perfect sense. I think it's reasonable to think that everything in your flash could easily happen within the game. The propane tank exploding, the valve getting lodged in the back of his head and the idea of him surviving with it stuck there seems feasible. I always thought that the it was a picture of valve's head designer so he could turn his genius on and off.

The flash itself is excellent, the sound is very clear and the sayings you chose were funny and fit the scene. The artwork is pretty decent and the animation, although there isn't too much actually going on, is very smooth. Overall, your concept is what really makes this flash what it is and you should be very proud of yourself for coming up with it.

I love left for dead 2, I love valve, I love pie and now I love this flash.

Falconer02 responds:

Hey, thank you for the great review here. Appreciated greatly!

you know...

I really enjoyed this, the backgrounds were amazing and all of the details were very cool. You obviously put alot of work into this and it definitely shows. The voices actually sounded pretty good, although some of the saying were pretty cheesy :/ "huh, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum" for example. I couldn't help but say, awwww, that was lame.

Everything ran pretty smooth and fluid although at times the animation skipped a bit but that might be my shitty computer. I like how you took something as simple as paying rent and developed an entire plot and expanded upon it. I know he's a thief but why isn't he killing anyone? It's not like if he gets caught, they will go easier on him for thievery than murder. He might as well kill everybody because stealing something like that would you get you hanged back then. But I digress...

Now you are probably wondering why I gave you a 6 when i loved the flash so much. Well, I'm disappointed that they are stick people. I know you love stick people and I do too but sometimes you have to use real characters when the situation calls for it. You have such beautiful artwork and backgrounds in here and it is completely ruined by shapeless, mono-colored stickmen. You're flash is on a very high level that stickmen just cannot reach, they bring the whole flash down. If you had an actual thief with a cloak and clothes, and full face articulation; I would be giving this a 10.

Don't take my 6 as a negative thing though, because I really do love this flash and I hope you make another. I just want to see you put even half the work into the characters as you did the backgrounds. You also might want to stay away from the cheesy one-liners as I said before, they were offensive to all 5 senses. Yes... i can taste, smell and feel the cheese.

Manfreak responds:

You really havent played the games have you. Sorry but I truly did lol when you said he should have killed everyone in the building THEN taken everything. What kind of master of stealth kills everyone lol? Also the cheesy one liners are in the games and thats something I really wanted to show in this animation but I understand your hate of them :P. This is fkn redicules with everyone giving me shit ratings for using stickmen. If I had them doing the usual killing stuff Im sure no one would think twice. Dont think its being critical by giving a low vote. You give 6/10 to animation less than 10 minutes long and with alot less work put into it. Im getting really sick of these responses becuase its annoying that people vote me down because the animation had more potential. Just vote on what you see not on what you could have seen and then maybe you might not get so dissapointed! sorry but this is really starting to piss me off badly.


The drawing was nice to look at.. somewhat. I found the ship looked a little "special". Kind of like a short-bus except it's a short-spaceship. Yeah, it was just a poorly drawn ship... The actual animation was pretty weak too, I noticed his eyebrows were behaving strangely, almost like they were shape-tweens... The lip-syncing wasn't very good either but all of these things are minor complaints. The humor was pretty funny because of kangaroo-laroo and the puns themselves were funny because they were so bad. New Star Wars is made for little kids, it's all about goofy humor and stupid jokes, and to me, this was a pretty good satire of that. Either way, it's a pretty good flash with some funny content. Many people are voting low because of the kangaroo and I would say it was a bad move to put that in there. People who don't know what it's from, don't find it funny. Having said that, I am happy you did, because it's hilarious. Good job.

mohawkade responds:

Well the lazy drawing with the between the ship and the actual scene was when I made a decision to switch between styles of art.

Though I chose to keep the ship style the same in the last scene as it was in the first scene and tried to keep it as simple as possible considering, considering how motion tweens tend to skew and go out of sync the more you tweak with them.

Also considering not to put too much detail in any of the scenes, especially the ship scene where I originally planned out some reflective glare and atmospheric effects on the planet below which ended up lagging the animation up a lot, even on my beastly machine!


I realize that this is a tribute and that it is not meant to have a story or any comedic value. That being said this is a stick animation, although good quality, it is still just a stick animation. I read through some of your responses and I found that it took you a month to complete this? Seriously, you could have gotten voice actors in that time to say 3 lines. I cannot believe this was front-paged and won an award! This isn't crap but it is not even close to being good enough for anything other than MAYBE an honorable mention. So rating this in the league of other flashes on the front page I give it a 4.

I would feel bad not noting that while in fact they have not released any DLC, perhaps they decided Left4Dead 2 would be a safer bet and they would have DLC for it instead. So when you purchase Left4Dead2 and stop playing the original, you will have plenty of DLC within a month of the second games release.

Also: If you respond to this, don't bother talking about my flash skills compared to yours. As I see you have for so many others. There is no need for that because my flashes have all been done in 5 minutes with little to no effort at all. Just like the good content on the front page and this flash, they don't belong in the same league.

StealthBeast responds:

You admit that this is of good quality, and also admit that you are prejudicing against it specifically because it is a stick animation. I'm left to believe then, that you would have voted low on this no matter how amazing this was. I therefore can't take your review seriously.

Also: I most certainly will talk about your flash skills, as it's a legitimate factor. In the approximatly 230 reviews I have responded to thus far, only 1 of them that was negative had any notable skill in flash.. And that's really stretching it, because they weren't really that great either... I'm not saying you need to be a great artist for me to take your simple critisisms seriously, but if your gonna give me a half-page, Steven-Spielberg critique, you better at least know what you're talking about.

Are you serious?

Did you really think this video was good or at all ready to be released? How could you? I can't believe this.

awards: Alright, first I am going to review the awards themselves. Why the hell did Chuck new tux win? "There she is" is 100 times better and I think 9/10 NG users can agree with me there. FancyPantsAdventure is fun but wtf Mastermind is not ONLY fun but also fun-ny. Clearly there is some kind of rigging going on with these awards. The actually categories were retarded. Wtf is wrong with you people, three awards? really? Why bother even posting this shit, clearly you have never seen a really awards show. I know in your oh, so busy schedule of sitting around playing street fighter and beating your meat to chun-li, you can't take the time to make a decent awards ceremony. This basically a slap in the face to the fans of your site you ungrateful piece of shit. I can't believe you did that.

The video itself: Tom you are a shitty actor I'm sorry this video blows ass because of you. You're not funny. Thanks for creating Newgrounds but don't think you're cool or funny because you're not. Why the fuck did you find it necessary to show all the different takes during the video? It should be one continuous video of the final cuts that are good and then at the end throw in the outtakes/redo's. Whoever edited this blows ass. Why, after everything we, as loyal fans, have done for you and Newgrounds, do you give us this disgusting excuse for an awards show.

MindChamber responds:

The awards show is supposed to be something that's fun, and whimsical, similar to alot of the content on the site. The Idea of making a super-serious award show doesn't really appeal to us since, that's not what newgrounds is all about.

Lighten up..


pretty funny for the opening credits and the end credits as well as when you lit your smoke with the lightsaber I Lol'd pretty hard. Some people say this is very easy to do and that you don't deserve a high score and that this isn't even a flash. well they're wrong! If it's so easy why don't you people do it yourselves HMM? This is a flash because there was enough in this video that used flash to validate itself. retards.... Btw lol at those hairy ass arms and shoulders GOD DAMN. You put Chewbacca to shame!

RatherRandomReality responds:

Hahaha, reviews that mention Chewbacca crack me up every time. I didn't expect anybody to comment on this. And it appears that 1 out of 7 reviewers is concerned about my friend's hairy shoulders. Let it go, people.

alrighty then

I haven't seen part 1 or 2 (assuming there is a part 1 or 2) so I didn't understand what was going on. However, just watching this movie I feel I am able to give a review. The animation..... not quite animation, ummm, the... pictures that still sprite Jpegs that change into different Jpegs once in a while... Ya that rolls right off the tongue. Anyhow it felt really dated and not up to the times. I thought we were past this kinda stuff since the year 2000? That aside the story which I didn't understand seemed a bit boring and I don't know if this is supposed to be serious or all humor but I didn't find anything funny at all.

All of that being said I think you did a great job at trying to tell a story and even though this is a very old style of animating you did it well and it was somewhat enjoyable. I don't think I am going to check out the first two parts but you should continue because I'm sure sonic fans will get a kick out of it. I hope you can accept my critique and not write it off by saying, "shutup" or something stupid. I give you a 3/5

Aquarious2008 responds:

LOL yea I didn't understand most of the first paragraph especially the part about "old style animation" so im gonna assume u mean me using sprites instead of hand(or mouse)drawing everything. Well my drawing sucks the only thing I'd be able to do are stickmen animations if I didnt do sprites.

2. Really? the story's that boring huh? well some stuff kinda foreshadows future events(like eggman's death) but the story becomes more clear in every episode just like how in the next one I'll explain more about how Eggman died and how the Sonic Clone was made. I hope u keep watching

I'm just a man and this is a website and that's a hat. I have the creativity to make something great but lack the motivation so I just say fuck it and create shitty flashes. I have been known to rap and I will spend several dollars on a present for you.

Age 34, Male

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Regina, SK

Joined on 8/9/06

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