
110 Movie Reviews

29 w/ Responses

*deep breathe*... Okay

I have read some of your responses to people who say mean things and are stupid so I am going to try to keep this is constructive as possible because you seem very protective of your work.

First of all great job on the camera work, the animation and the sound they were spot on. I loved the way you portrayed Link and the other characters, it was very true to the Zelda Franchise and contrary to what others say about you using Zelda just so people will watch your series, I think this is original in its own style and you are creating a story all your own so they can go suck a lemon :3. 5/5

Now on to the critique. The voices you went with were of poor choice in my opinion. Rina-chan is an excellent voice actor but she has a very crisp and outgoing voice while Zelda is soft-spoken and very light in her voice. perhaps tell Rina-chan to tone it down and go a little softer. Using your own voice for Link is cool, not many animators do that because of what people might think but you clearly aren't a great voice actor. Some moments you seemed to give off a good vibe like the balcony scene but others made me not believe that was Link at all. All the others voices were boring and Korgoro or whatever his name is dragged down every scene he was in. When he was talking to link in the city scene and explaining about the test he stuttered and it seemed he was fighting to say his lines. Ruined the scene for me.

I just wanna take a second to speak to you about the way you animated some things and the actual drawing you did. First of all you need to work on your hands because they look like balls of dough. When The shopkeeper (his properly spelled name escapes me.... LargeBreak?) shook Diggs hand I couldn't believe how silly it looked. The animation of the characters walking was also poor because it looked like posts bobbing up and down. Perhaps you should add a little character and movement into their heads and shoulders to create some realism. 70% of a character is dictated by his movements you know.

Concluding this novel size review, I liked the story and all the wonderful things you have created for this excellent series but the voices are seriously lacking and some of the animation of their movements was very poor. After all the bad stuff though this series comes through as entertaining anyway and I will be watching the rest of your episodes right now. Great job I know you worked hard. :D I'm excited to see how the First Class Initiation test goes!

alrighty then

I haven't seen part 1 or 2 (assuming there is a part 1 or 2) so I didn't understand what was going on. However, just watching this movie I feel I am able to give a review. The animation..... not quite animation, ummm, the... pictures that still sprite Jpegs that change into different Jpegs once in a while... Ya that rolls right off the tongue. Anyhow it felt really dated and not up to the times. I thought we were past this kinda stuff since the year 2000? That aside the story which I didn't understand seemed a bit boring and I don't know if this is supposed to be serious or all humor but I didn't find anything funny at all.

All of that being said I think you did a great job at trying to tell a story and even though this is a very old style of animating you did it well and it was somewhat enjoyable. I don't think I am going to check out the first two parts but you should continue because I'm sure sonic fans will get a kick out of it. I hope you can accept my critique and not write it off by saying, "shutup" or something stupid. I give you a 3/5

Aquarious2008 responds:

LOL yea I didn't understand most of the first paragraph especially the part about "old style animation" so im gonna assume u mean me using sprites instead of hand(or mouse)drawing everything. Well my drawing sucks the only thing I'd be able to do are stickmen animations if I didnt do sprites.

2. Really? the story's that boring huh? well some stuff kinda foreshadows future events(like eggman's death) but the story becomes more clear in every episode just like how in the next one I'll explain more about how Eggman died and how the Sonic Clone was made. I hope u keep watching

that made me smile

As I said .5 seconds ago, that made me smile. I liked it so much I will describe it using only Shocking Impact words! Epic, Awesome, Inspiring, Dynamic, THRILLS, thats all I can think of.....

You know what really grinds my gears?

When you're at a nice restaurant and little baby-son-of-a-bitch is screaming his head off! Parents need to control their kids!

So how are you doing? I'm just sitting here watching some flashes and I dunno, the whole "Circus from Hell" style you got goin' on is all well and good but, where is the cheesecake? Honestly you call yourself an animator!

TheBoogley responds:

mmm cheesecakes made from baby-son-of-a-bitch fat.


I'm glad I get to rate and review the first of a flash that will probably get huge feedback and get front paged. Great humor and hilarious spin on the children series of mr. men. I look forward to future episodes and I would appreciate a date posted on your page or some kind of message as to when you submit the next one. I am also recommending this for at least a front page if not an award. Great job.

pawlakt responds:

thanks! I didnt expect such an awesome comment on this one! I glad you liked it and I havent started the next one yet, so a release date would not be a very good idea on my part! But if you ever want to check up on my current work in progress, there's a page on my website that you can goto...
http://www.pwlk.net/tyler/current_wor k.php
or... you can visit my blog at


not a great flash but still an excellent effort. One thing you should fix in the sequel is the text stays on screen for way too long. Adjust it to a reasonable length. Also the text right before the wise man appeared went WAY too fast so ya just fix some text issues. The story and humor was kind of corny but I haven't looked at your profile yet and I'm sure you're very young especially judging by this flash. All in all you should be proud this is a decent flash and I laughed at the title screen joke. I love Jurassic Park.


I found a dollar the other day and I did the thriller dance with thirty people in the middle of the street. So I can relate to you. I can't believe this got through the portal and got front paged, not because I don't like it (because I do) but usually everyone on newgrounds would say, "it's too short" or "The animation sucked and it's too short" and also " The 1 on the dollar bill looked like a 2 because it has bad animation and it's too short!" I do not think any of those things those are only examples.... Well the dollar bill looking like a 2 was mine but EVERYTHING else is not. Good job buddy we should do a collab sometime.


I just checked back to see if a new kingdom hearts was out but instead I found this. I thoroughly enjoy randomness and characters from many popular movies/shows/games made this an awesome flash. I wish you would make another and let me do a voice perhaps? hmm? no? oh alright fine.... I can do sean connery and other stuff...... Aw well I still enjoy all your stuff.

KobraEditing responds:

Haha. I liked it myself, but it didn't do all that well. Luckily, this one did not take forever to make. Thanks!

I'm just a man and this is a website and that's a hat. I have the creativity to make something great but lack the motivation so I just say fuck it and create shitty flashes. I have been known to rap and I will spend several dollars on a present for you.

Age 34, Male

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Regina, SK

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