I have followed the madness series like thousands of others since the beginning and to my extreme surprise and joy I saw this in the portal while I was looking at new submissions. What an honor it is for me to be one of the people who gets to review something this great while it is under judgement.
Now to the review,
Like every episode of madness this is full of action and blood. On top of that though I loved how the storyline is progressing. I thought Hank was dead but no he is back and badder than ever. The action was rising and kept me on the edge of my seat. Clearly you have a firm grasp on how to tell a story using actions and body language because for guy that doesn't talk, I felt connected to the characters and when Deimos died I was shocked. Very epic death because of its simplicity. I just couldn't believe it. But I guess that's madness for ya right?