
110 Movie Reviews

29 w/ Responses


Hilarious, catchy and awesome in every way. I'm a little disappointed there isn't more verses but for what it is, it's great. I like how you can't even tell it loops. I bet T-Pain is jealous he didn't think of this first!


You know for being done in a day, the music is pretty amazing. Seems like something that has been worked on for a a week. It fit the atmosphere of the flash perfectly and the action or important scenes were always accented and the right time.

The flash itself however is the real star, in this case a red star, because it portrayed everything that was going on in a clear and concise manor. If there were voices and sound effects I highly doubt this would be as good as it is. I loved the way you drew the characters to keep a kind of anonymity to it. I also like that you chose to have a happy ending and keep with the overall theme of mystery and redemption.

"In soviet Russia, war fights you!"

HAHAHA! and also *sniffle*

What a great contrast of serious and funny, sadness and laughs. I thought the story was amazing, I actually felt bad for him when he was an old man and he was at the old field. This was a truly amazing flash and at the end, when the bus man pulled up, I was like "aww the busman is sad." Then, BOOM and I laughed out loud as I realized he has been driving that bus at more than 50MPH for over 20 years.

Great job on character building and the storyline, the whole thing felt like one of those epic sports movies but I had some serious laughs at the beginning and end. High five!


A very artistic piece, I love how you portrayed the characters in a way that contrasts with the plot. The overall theme of this flash seemed to be a sense of uneasiness between the characters. I didn't quite understand the title, "Left 4 Bed" because there were no beds to be seen in the entire flash. I zoomed in during the shed scene, which I must say was very well done and inspiring, because I thought I saw a bed but it was just a barrel. An excellent work sir and good job.


The drawing was nice to look at.. somewhat. I found the ship looked a little "special". Kind of like a short-bus except it's a short-spaceship. Yeah, it was just a poorly drawn ship... The actual animation was pretty weak too, I noticed his eyebrows were behaving strangely, almost like they were shape-tweens... The lip-syncing wasn't very good either but all of these things are minor complaints. The humor was pretty funny because of kangaroo-laroo and the puns themselves were funny because they were so bad. New Star Wars is made for little kids, it's all about goofy humor and stupid jokes, and to me, this was a pretty good satire of that. Either way, it's a pretty good flash with some funny content. Many people are voting low because of the kangaroo and I would say it was a bad move to put that in there. People who don't know what it's from, don't find it funny. Having said that, I am happy you did, because it's hilarious. Good job.

mohawkade responds:

Well the lazy drawing with the between the ship and the actual scene was when I made a decision to switch between styles of art.

Though I chose to keep the ship style the same in the last scene as it was in the first scene and tried to keep it as simple as possible considering, considering how motion tweens tend to skew and go out of sync the more you tweak with them.

Also considering not to put too much detail in any of the scenes, especially the ship scene where I originally planned out some reflective glare and atmospheric effects on the planet below which ended up lagging the animation up a lot, even on my beastly machine!


I remember this from a while ago and I remember thinking, "It never ends because it just loops random scenes." Well, to test that theory today, I watched this for about half an hour. Obviously I didn't sit and watch the whole time... It was about 10 minutes in that I just left the sound on to hear something different and I checked my facebook and what not. I have discovered that it, in fact, never ends. Congratulations on one of the greatest flashes ever.


That was HI-larious. All the jokes were funny and the voices really fit the satire. I liked the art style and I think the theatre could have used a little more detail. Overall, this is a funny parody of the new transformers movie. The only thing I wish you would have made fun of, was the part when the transformer that looked like a hot chick was trying to bang that kid. Seriously that was the cheesiest thing in the whole movie and it was just dumb. Maybe that's why you didn't make fun of it, because it is terrible and hilarious on its own.

Oh, wow...

I can't even begin to tell you how awful this is... I'm not going to sit here and rip on your or anything, I would just like to share my thoughts on your movie here.

First off, like many have stated before me, Halo and Japanese anime don't mix. I know you like the style but I don't know if anyone told you that Halo Is American, therefore it should be in an American style. If you wanted to do this dramatic anime crap, you should have just made up your own characters.

The animation was god awful, you can trace, color (poorly) and move body parts slighty... I have to say that it was like watching a slide show, I was bored to tears within seconds of watching. The story, I am sorry to say, does not help at all. Please just tell me to watch 1 and 2 because I don't want to waste my time. A good story is one that people will enjoy even if they don't know the events leading up to it. I thought I was watching, "Halo: A Dramatic Drama Where people Act Dramatic and Speak in A Monotone Voice... Dramatically."

I could not stand that voice acting. I know you have heard this A LOT but that voice acting is so terrible. There is no emotion in the voices and you all sound like nerdy 15 year-olds. I know they aren't Spartans but they are still soldiers and they should sound like it. I might see past this if the story was good but it isn't, it's worse. I understand you are trying to set an epic and dramatic tone but what you are really doing is making it as boring as possible. Add a little action so we have something to keep us awake.

Let's recap:
- The story is awful
- Felt like watching a slide-show
- 15 year-olds in armor...
- Halo isn't Japanese, no matter how much you want it to be
- So dramatic it's like a sterotype of a soap opera.

Before you decide to send me a stupid response, like I have already seen you do to many others (some of the deserving), please consider that I am not a bastard out to get you. There are many like me who have pointed out the same things as I have. Take from this what you will but it is constructive criticism, I want you to improve the animation, tone down the Japanese aspect, hire some real voice actors and add a little bit of action to accent the drama.


I give out a lot of 10's because I don't care or I am generous but this flash- no film, deserves a 10. I am so dumbstruck by this film that it is very hard for me to find the words to properly review it.

First of all lets talk about the animation, all I have to say is YES! The use of black, red and white when concerning Tarboy was brilliant and really sets the mood as dark, dangerous and mysterious. The parts with the grandfather and the child had more color but no variety and that would suggest a bland oppressed tone that really fits the story. I loved the lighting effects during the fight in the dark between Tarboy and the Large Robot, very pretty to look at and I could not get over the sparks bouncing on the ground, very professional. The animation was smooth and of film quality, I'm sure you don't need me to tell you all your hard work really shows.

The music score was amazing and could not work in anything BUT Tarboy. The way you synced it up with the animation flawlessly was extremely well done. Hania is an excellent composer and the action and quiet bits were very well accented and it really set the mood for this film. I especially liked the part where he was sneaking and being followed by the large robot.

The voice acting was perfectly suited to this film, just the way the grandpa narrated and sang to tell the story was really well done and the small interuptions of the child seemed authentic and really made me believe in the story. The way you had the "Fatcats" speak in unintelligible gibberish was excellent. It really symbolizes that they are evil and no one cares what evil has to say. The sound effects were spot on and suited each action appropriately.

Finally, the story itself was reminiscent of something Pixar would come up with and actually reminded me of Tim Burton's new film coming September 9th. I could see this as a feature film and I hope it does make it that far. I find many people complaining about the cliche's but personally I think they make the Tarboy that much better. You took a very original idea and mixed it up with other themes from established films and really made it your own. Sure, the whole, "Anti-Hero of the people rising up to destroy tyranny" thing has been done but you put your own twist on it and that really makes it special. The fact that the grandfather was the janitor was, yes I admit, easy to spot right away but that didn't change anything for me. I still thought it was a cool little twist and it leaves room for a sequel to continue the story. I look forward to Tarboy 2 and I think you really have something here.

P.S. The "Janitor", who I assumed was obviously the grandfather when he was younger, had a bad eye on his right eye and the grandfather's bad eye was on his left. So I don't know what happened there but it doesn't take away from anything, I was just pointing that out and wondering if it was intentional or not.

I'm just a man and this is a website and that's a hat. I have the creativity to make something great but lack the motivation so I just say fuck it and create shitty flashes. I have been known to rap and I will spend several dollars on a present for you.

Age 34, Male

Professional NiceGuy

Regina, SK

Joined on 8/9/06

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