A thought occurs...
When I played this game I was like, oh reward coins for doing stuff and skulls thats cool. Oh you get to dig up gems and stuff that's pretty cool. Then I saw that you could dodge axes! SHOOT SPIDERS! COLLECT HIDDEN TREASURES AND PLAY PUZZLE GAMES AND CONNECT THE FREAKIN DOTS!!! ALL TO COOL ASS JAMES BOND: GOLDENEYE-ESQUE MUSIC! I WAS LIKE HOLY SHIT THIS IS WAY BETTER THAN SCARYSCAPE or whatever you call it (Noooot a fan) But it did rival Icescape which was very well done btw. Anyways I've always enjoyed your neat little adventures with cool stories attatched and this one really got me. Cool puzzle solving and just straight up digging and finding stuff for some rooms which is refreshing because it's less tedious. As well as only two fight sequences so you don't get bored of repetition and you even through in a bit of a story with one little crumpled note. Great job and I hope in the future you go for variety like you did here instead of making us do the same damn thing over and over again while changing the background :/ If you start taking your games really seriously send me a message and I'll test for you if you want. It would help to avoid those idiots who write reviews saying, "I can't beat it, it's too hard, I don't get it >:o" If those people are so stupid they can't read your comments or any kind of walkthrough even though the game is easy to figure out (but still fun to play!) Anyways good luck in the future